22 May 2018
Financial Update
As of 2 May 2018, the total expenditure for the mosque project is £1,929,388. We still need around £30,000 to finish the remaining work and/or pay the remaining invoices.
We also borrowed £90,000 (Qard Hasana) which we of course still need to pay back to our lenders.
21 November 2017
Financial Update
As of 3rd November 2017, we had £153,071 in our account.
We have so far spent £ 1,614,848 which includes expenditure such as the land acquisition. This means we have so far raised over £1.75 million for our mosque.
To complete the project, we still need your help to raise a further £136,179.
Thank you for all your generous donations, may God reward you.
17 September 2017
Project Update
We would like to share the status of the project by showing you some of the pictures of the new mosque taken on 10th September 2017:
20 April 2017
Financial Update
As of 18th April 2017, we had £412,821 in our account. We have so far spent £1,106,799 which includes expenditure such as the land acquisition. This means we have so far raised almost £1.5 million for our mosque.
To complete the project, we still need your help to raise a further £187,000.
20 February 2017
Dome Fitted
By the Grace of God, the dome was fitted last week. We have achieved a major milestone and we are getting closer to the completion of this historic project. We would like to thank everyone who helped us so far and urge you to continue with your generous support.
19 January 2017
Roof Work Begins
By the Grace of God, on Wednesday 18th January, the roof work began. We have achieved another major milestone and a huge step towards the completion of this historic project. We would like to thank everyone who helped us so far and urge you to continue with your generous support.
27 November 2016
Financial Update and the Restarting of Construction
As of 20th November 2016, we had £728,000 in our account. We have so far spent £765,833 which includes expenditure such as the land acquisition. This means we have so far raised almost £1.5 million for our mosque.
To complete the project, we still need your help to raise a further £300,000.
The construction resumed and work on the scaffolding started 2 weeks ago.
21 April 2016
Brickwork Begins
By the Grace of God, on Monday 18th April the brickwork started. We have achieved a major milestone and another step towards the completion of this historic project. We would like to thank everyone who helped us so far and urge you to continue with your generous support.
29 March 2016
Financial and Fundraising Update
As of 25th March 2016, we had £564,735 in our account. We have so far spent £725,537 which includes expenditure such as land acquisition. This means we have so far raised almost £1.3 million for our mosque.
To complete the project, we still need your help to raise a further £284,727.
At the Birmingham Mosque Project Fundraiser, approximately £89,000 was pledged. Of the total amount pledged at the event, we have already received £23,800 meaning approximately £65,000 has not yet been paid. We hope that the remaining pledges will be paid soon InshaAllah.
We also still have around £70,000 of unpaid pledges from the Mosque project fundraiser in Lincoln held a few years ago.
May Allah reward all the donors and everyone who has helped us.
23 March 2016
Financial Update
As of 18th March 2016, we had £542,857 in our account. We have so far spent £725,537 which includes expenditure such as land acquisition. This means we have so far raised over £1.2 million for our mosque.
To complete the whole project, we still need your help to raise a further £306,605.
20 February 2016
Financial Update
We currently have £476,421 in our account. We have so far spent £725,537 which includes expenditure such as land acquisition. This means we have so far raised over £1.2 million for our mosque.
To complete the whole project, we still need your help to raise a further £373,000.
08 December 2015
Financial Update
We currently have £583,191 in our account. We have so far spent £582,432 which includes expenditure such as land acquisition. This means we have so far raised over £1.16 million for our mosque.
To complete the whole project, we still need your help to raise a further £409,000.
05 December 2015
Mosque Steel Structure Erected
As some of you may have already seen, with the Grace of Allah, the mosque steel structure was erected. This is a significant milestone for the project and you can all see the progress from now on.
The recent construction activities like the piling and now the steel structure will cost significantly so we need to continue raising money. We need you to continue helping us to raise funds so we can complete our mosque project.
22 October 2015
Financial Update
We currently have £666,000 in our account. We have so far spent £440,000 which includes expenditure such as land acquisition and the recent piling work.
To complete the whole project, we need to raise a total of £469,000.
10 September 2015
Financial Update
We currently have £477,721 in our account. We have so far spent £440,366 which includes expenditure such as land acquisition and the recent piling work.
We need to raise around £130,000 for the completion of Phase 1. To complete the whole project, we need to raise a total of £656,913 which includes the amount outstanding for Phase 1.
If we do not raise more money, we are projected to run out of money by November 2015.
10 August 2015
Piling Work Successfully Completed
Alhamdulillah, piling work was successfully completed on the 11th of August 2015.
This was an expensive but an important operation and milestone. As all the work below ground is completed, all future work will be above ground and easy for you to see the progress. The concrete piles need 2-3 weeks to settle down before starting work on the above ground beams.
Piling work will cost around £130,000 so we will run out of money quickly in the coming weeks so please start your efforts for fund raising.
Please make dua that the project progresses smoothly and that we raise the required funds.
15 April 2015
Mosque Construction Begins
Assalam aleikum | Peace be upon you,
By the Grace of God, the construction work officially started today with a ceremony to celebrate this milestone.
The ceremony started just before 3.30pm on the 15th of April 2015. It was well attended with members of the Lincoln community and local residents coming to witness the historic event.

The event started with the recitation of Quran followed by a reminder by Imam Atikur Rehman Patel about the role and true definition of a Masjid. He explained that a mosque is more than a mere 4 walls but rather the real spiritual centre for our community. He also emphasised respecting the rights of the neighbours surrounding the Masjid, the assistance to the needy and finally establishing the night prayer.
This was followed by a brief recap from the chairman of the Islamic Association of Lincoln, Dr Tanweer Ahmed on the journey to get to this point and heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to make this day a reality. He thanked the Boultham Park residents, Lincoln City Council and the wider Lincoln community who have all supported us along the way. Dr Ahmed particularly thanked Muslim community for their generous donations and hard work, he added that without their support and help, today day was not possible. He also discussed the war memorial and highlighted the Muslim contribution in the first world war and emphasised our shared values.
Reverend David Osbourne of Boultham Park spoke on the significance of the mosque as an opportunity to build and strengthen our communities.
Ian Durrant, the Boultham Residents’ Association chairman also reiterated the importance of community cohesion and welcomed our Muslim community into the heart of the neighbourhood.
The City of Lincoln Leader, Ric Metcalfe said the mosque was long overdue and praised the resilience and enthusiasm of the Muslim community in the face of challenges and setbacks.
The ceremony was concluded with a dua by the Imam.
The event was also covered by some of the local media such as the BBC and Lincolnshire Echo.
ITV also posted a video of Dr. Ahmed’s speech.
Here are some of the pictures from the event.